At Conflux Group, we believe that web design, development, and marketing are really just about connecting people with people. And we bring that person-to-person connection to our work as well. In order to be good citizens of the world and the web, we all need to play by the rules of decent humanity. Here’s what that looks like:
We play well with others.
We have worked both with design, branding and SEO companies as well as directly with businesses and organizations. And we have never ever ever gotten in a fight. We know that it takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a team to build a website. We work with everyone, even our competitors.
We only deliver work we believe in.
We don’t take short cuts. We don’t make quick fixes. We make websites that are built to last (as long as a website can last in the ever-changing technological landscape). Think of us like a hand-hewn table made by Ron Swanson. Our work will serve you well (and your grandkids too).
We live for humor.
Laughing makes people live longer. It also makes people stay longer on your website. Don’t you want your website to have life-extending properties? Score.